
not perfect but loved

I've noticed that some of my fellow bloggers have been working on finishing Christmas projects lately.
Well, me too.
I'm proud to announced that this is an Annual Family Christmas Ornament.
Sounds great...looks? maybe not so much.
But I'm not confused how it turned out. Like father like son-like last year like this ornament.
I even didn't have enough floss of this shade to make a nornal thick cord and tassel...I just had a big desire to get it done! Done.

You can see another Christmas design in process on the background of this picture.
I hope that somebody has been promised this as a gift are still waiting patiently:)


Natalёk said...

орнамент просто сказка, мне вообще сочетание цветов белое-красное очень нравится.... а фон это что? на стол что-то?

Tanya-Yanata said...

eto biscornu budet. Zima.
designed by Barbara Ana Mendes.
I'm in love with her things.
thank you, Natasha!

Лана said...

Ням-ням, обожаю Barbara Ana, жду :)
Орнамент бесподобный. А я вот боюсь круглых форм - все кажется, что никогда не смогу ровненько все натянуть :-/

Tanya-Yanata said...

eto bulo dlya menya trudno-rovno natyanut'.
not perfect.